Never underestimate the power of insight

Quite a few years ago, I had a mysterious meeting with a gypsy woman. By the end of our conversation, I was giving her money.  How did she manage that?

Easy, everything she said felt like a real insight into me and who I was.

From the first moment she spoke, she was able to tell me things I thought were unique to me. It was almost as if she could read my mind.

So when she finally asked me for some money to “guarantee my good luck for the future”, I was so convinced of her powers, I happily handed it over.

Never underestimate the power of insight in marketing and copy, it has a way of connecting with people deep down. If someone feels the same as you, if their problems sound just like yours, then there’s a really good chance you’ll connect and convert.

I know, I paid £10 to secure my own good fortune. How skilful was that?


What makes a TOV guide really work?


Dead bodies and tone of voice