Surely premium property should sound premium?

£500K, £1M+, £10M+, no matter what the price tag, why are property descriptions so dry? Here are a few thoughts that could make them instantly more engaging.

OK, I get that the pictures do the heavy lifting, but most copy seems to read like an audio floor plan. And if the piccies are showing so much, why repeat what you can see anyway?

Buying a house isn’t a logical thing, it’s probably one of the most emotional purchases you’re going to make. So why not sell the dream, or at least engage more of the buyer’s senses. What do you feel as you approach the building? Can you smell the roses and the wildflowers in the garden? Just how quiet is it? Can you hear the birds in the hedgerows nearby? What about those dog walks across the fields? How much light floods into the lounge through the French doors on a Sunday morning?

People buy big-ticket items with their emotions and rationalise their decisions afterwards. So doesn’t it make sense to crank up those emotional cues right from the off? Describing a home like a dry list of shopping ingredients isn’t really adding value to the imagery – it’s missing an extra emotional drive that could make that house the one.

If that make sense to you, why not give me a shout and let’s make your copy work even harder.


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